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- Create Date February 21, 2021
- Last Updated December 5, 2023
Deep Space Networking: a DTN profile from Laura Chappell
A special thank you to Laura Chappell for contributing this profile for her Deep Space Networking challenges for the Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN).
You can read more about about DTN on the NASA web site here: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/heo/scan/engineering/technology/disruption_tolerant_networking and on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delay-tolerant_networking
In November 2007, Scott Burleigh and Keith Scott released the "Bundle" Protocol Specification in RFC 5050. The Bundle Protocol runs on top of the TCP Convergence Layer (TPCL) Protocol (RFC 7242).
There is also a zip file with sample packet captures and 3 packet analysis challenges that she included. You can download that additional zip file below as the attachment.
Further you can view a video with Laura explaining this protocol here: