Networking and Computing Tips and Tricks

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Welcome to our vibrant hub for all things networking and computing! At CellStream, we believe in empowering you with the knowledge to master your digital world. Whether you’re a beginner looking for foundational advice or a tech-savvy enthusiast seeking advanced techniques, our Computing Tips section is your go-to destination.

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  • Diverse Topics: From troubleshooting common issues to enhancing your cybersecurity, we cover it all.

Some examples:

  • Speed Up Your Computer: Learn how to boost your system’s speed and efficiency with simple tweaks.
  • Secure Your Data: Discover essential tips to protect your personal information from cyber threats.
  • Maximize Productivity: Find out how to make the most of your software and hardware to enhance your workflow.

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Be careful, not all tips work on all networking equipment nor operating systems.

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View Historical Web Pages with Wayback!

Let’s say you wanted to view our site back in 2001.  Could you do it?  The answer is yes! That’s right, someone has been crawling the web called the Wayback Machine ( The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web and other information on the Internet created by the Internet Archive,

View Historical Web Pages with Wayback! Read More »

Web Sites that can be Companion Tools to Wireshark

In our prior article on companion tools for Wireshark (link), we provided a list of tools that network analysts, operations, maintainers or just curious people should consider. All these were stand alone tools. What about Internet/Web Browser based sites that you may find useful? This thought raises certain issues, like this scenario: the network is

Web Sites that can be Companion Tools to Wireshark Read More »

Stand Alone Companion Tools to Wireshark

Wireshark is a powerful network protocol analyzer used by network professionals for troubleshooting, analysis, development, and education. Companion tools can enhance its functionality or help in related tasks. Here are some websites and tools that can be seen as companions to Wireshark: Each of these tools has its unique strengths and can be used alongside

Stand Alone Companion Tools to Wireshark Read More »

How to discover what is on your LAN (IPv4 and IPv6) or WLAN

This question comes up all the time, and the answers can be quite varied. Seems simple enough at first glance, right? But the problem is that things are not simple, especially in today’s networking. Here are some issues: Now there are a myriad of reasons any of these issues could exist. This article is not

How to discover what is on your LAN (IPv4 and IPv6) or WLAN Read More »

Usage Instructions for Our Windows Networking Toolkit

If you use Windows and you are a Networking person technical or non-technical, you will find our toolkit to put all the useful Windows capabilities at your fingertips in a simple menu driven batch file. Before we start, you can download and install this toolkit here (instructions for installing are provided on that page). Here

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Using Traceroute to Determine Paths Through the Internet

How does my traffic to a site on the Internet get there? What path did it follow? These are great questions, and I will attempt to answer them in this article. When you’re on the Internet, information or requests sent from your computer don’t reach the destination computer in a single jump – or hop

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Creating an NVMe Lab – Option 1

One of the latest developments in compute and storage has been the NVM (Non-Volatile Memory) Express (aka NVMe) that has revolutionized SSD use and speed.  NVM Express (NVMe) is also known as Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface Specification (NVMHCIS) – it is an open, logical-device interface specification for accessing a computer’s non-volatile storage media usually

Creating an NVMe Lab – Option 1 Read More »

Zero-to-Hero – Wireshark TCP Conversation Completeness

Introduced in version 3.6 and later is a new Wireshark expert analysis process called TCP Completeness. At first this was quite confusing, but once you get to know what is going on, you come to understand that you can use this new feature to find certain types of TCP issues. We included this is our

Zero-to-Hero – Wireshark TCP Conversation Completeness Read More »

How To Discover What is on your LAN/WLAN

Who is on my network?  Great question.  Better yet: Who is on my customer’s network?  That would be looking at the issue from a service provider’s perspective. This article attempts to answer that question with tips and tricks and tools that will help you, whether you are the owner of a network or a service provider. 

How To Discover What is on your LAN/WLAN Read More »

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