Networking and Computing Tips and Tricks

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Be careful, not all tips work on all networking equipment nor operating systems.

What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it?

The nslookup command is a built-in network administration tool available on Windows, macOS, and many Linux distributions. It is used to query DNS servers to retrieve information about domain names, IP addresses, and DNS records. Basic Syntax: nslookup [hostname] [DNS server] Components: Common Use Cases: Example Output: Query a Domain: nslookup Output: Server: dns.googleAddress:

What is the ‘nslookup’ command, and how can I use it? Read More »

Recognizing WLAN Retransmissions is a Critical Skill

Retransmissions of frames in WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks) can become problematic for several reasons, primarily due to the nature of the wireless medium. While retransmissions are a necessary part of ensuring data integrity in unreliable networks, they can cause inefficiencies and degrade network performance. I will get to the details below, but let’s start

Recognizing WLAN Retransmissions is a Critical Skill Read More »

Automatically Switch Configuration Profiles in Wireshark

As most of my readers, students, and clients know, I absolutely love Wireshark. I deeply am infatuated with Wireshark’s Profiles, more properly called configuration profiles. So much so that many years ago now, I set up the first Wireshark Profiles Repository. 100’s of thousands of downloads have resulted, and I hope I have helped the

Automatically Switch Configuration Profiles in Wireshark Read More »

What is, and how can you use hping3?

A CLEAR WORD OF CAUTION – ONLY USE THIS TOOL WHERE YOU HAVE PERMISSION. THIS ARTICLE IS OFFERRED FOR LEARNING PURPOSES ONLY. Hping3 is a network tool designed for packet crafting and analysis, similar to Scapy but with a more command-line-oriented interface. It is often used for testing and troubleshooting network infrastructure, performing security assessments,

What is, and how can you use hping3? Read More »

Configuring Windows Firewall Rules using netsh

Windows Firewall allows you to control the traffic entering and leaving your system through various rules. You can create and configure firewall rules to permit or block specific network activities. Below are some examples of Windows Firewall rules, including inbound and outbound rules: Example 1: Allow Inbound Traffic on a Specific Port (e.g., HTTP –

Configuring Windows Firewall Rules using netsh Read More »

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