CellStream Blog

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Messing Around with IPv6 Temporary Addresses in Windows

Yesterday I wanted to mess around with IPv6 Temporary addresses on my computer. Let me start with an overview of IPv6 Temporary addresses. IPv6 Temporary Addresses are a feature designed to enhance privacy for devices using the IPv6 protocol. In the IPv6 addressing scheme, devices typically have both a permanent (static) address and one or

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Artificial Intelligence Tools that you May Find Useful

The following are some AI tools that you may find very useful in your life and even small business.  For example, Microsoft is in the process of launching a Microsoft 365 AI based assistant called Copilot for the office suite of programs (you can read more about this here:  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2023/03/16/introducing-microsoft-365-copilot-a-whole-new-way-to-work/) There are a lot of doubts

Artificial Intelligence Tools that you May Find Useful Read More »

The World’s (Generally) Most Important RFC’s of the Internet

Got to thinking the other day.  What are the world’s most important RFC’s (Request for Comment specifications)? I decided to make a list. While the following are not in any order, I tried to base them (mostly) on date.  While TCP came first, I still put the Internet Protocol on the top of the list. 

The World’s (Generally) Most Important RFC’s of the Internet Read More »

What will be the truth regarding the Facebook Outage of 10/4/21?

It is the morning after.  Approximately 24 hours ago, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and more, went down.  Why?  How?  From the early indications of what is being said, I don’t think the general public will ever be told the whole truth.  This is especially going to be the case if there is a design problem with

What will be the truth regarding the Facebook Outage of 10/4/21? Read More »

Designing Courses for Online Web Based Training

The Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic and the COVID-19 disease has changed our lives: the way we socialize, travel, exercise, work, play, and learn.  Social distancing by working from home and learning from home has become a requirement, not just a lucky or cool thing.  This has resulted in an almost overnight dependency and test of how

Designing Courses for Online Web Based Training Read More »

CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services

CellStream is proud to announce, and congratulates, Mr. Andrew Walding on attaining his CBRS Certified Professional Installer certification from Google!  As discussed in the CBRS overview article, CBRS license holders need an account with one of the SAS providers, and then they need a CPI to actually certify and log their CBSD/Antennas into the SAS

CBRS Certified Professional Installer (CPI) Services Read More »

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