CellStream Blog

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Speaking at the Wisconsin State Telephone Association

Monday, May 25th, 2009 As many of the CellStream faithful know, we are hugely dedicated to the Independent Telephone market, and have been since the founding of the company in 1998. We were recently invited and happily accepted an opportunity to speak at the Wisconsin State Telephone Association conference. A short video and interview was

Speaking at the Wisconsin State Telephone Association Read More »

Cloud Computing and Virtualization – A Missing Link

This article was roginally published Monday, March 23, 2009.  Here is the link location of the original blog post. I have been messing rather seriously with virtualization recently. Specifically Microsoft Virtual PC and Microsoft Virtual Server products, as well as SUN’s Virtual Box. The good news is they all work pretty much as advertised, albeit

Cloud Computing and Virtualization – A Missing Link Read More »

Our First Experiences with Windows SharePoint 2007

As those of you close to us know, we have been big fans of Microsoft’s SharePoint concept since initial release several years ago.  We have, in fact, recommended it to every small/medium business owner that will listen to us!  The entire CellStream back office became converted to this online database system.  Was it perfect –

Our First Experiences with Windows SharePoint 2007 Read More »

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