CellStream Blog

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2020 02 17 10 18 01

CBRS – the new way to allocate Wireless Spectrum

If you haven’t heard by now, there is a new and innovative way to allocate wireless spectrum.  It is called CBRS – or Citizens Broadband Radio Service.  In our opinion every service provider, rural or otherwise, should be actively engaging this new methodology and ramping yup their awareness and participation in CBRS.  In fact, especially […]

CBRS – the new way to allocate Wireless Spectrum Read More »

Best Practices for Securing your WLAN/Wi-Fi Network at Home or Small Business

If you have attended any of my presentations of WLAN/Wi-Fi Security or even my Security Courses,you know that the design of WLAN/Wi-Fi networks leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to security.  This is also evidenced by the law suit against Amazon with hackers allegedly controlling Ring cameras.   I have always said that

Best Practices for Securing your WLAN/Wi-Fi Network at Home or Small Business Read More »

2019 09 17 7 44 32

Fantastic New Free Wi-Fi Analyzer for Windows – WinFi Lite

    Recently released at the Microsoft Store is a new free Wi-Fi Analyzer called WinFi Lite by Helge Magnus Keck (@HelgeKeck on Twitter) – look here: https://www.cellstream.com/reference-reading/cellstream-blog/430-winfilite.  [Update – no longer available at the Windows Store – here is the download link: https://www.helge-keck.com/  – click on the download button top right] After test driving this new tool, I can

Fantastic New Free Wi-Fi Analyzer for Windows – WinFi Lite Read More »

Time for Tier 3 Service Provider Technical Teams to Adopt Linux

In a recent video call with a service provider technical lead, it seemed that every question I answered, whether it was about Wi-Fi or network testing/analysis or troubleshooting, I kept referring to, and sharing what I could do on my Linux laptop.  It was not surprising that toward the end of the conversation, I was

Time for Tier 3 Service Provider Technical Teams to Adopt Linux Read More »

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Complaint: Why Don’t You Allow Employees to use Wireshark?

Check out these great references as well:   Our custom profiles repository for Wireshark  Our Udemy course on Wireshark   Our Udemy course on Wireless Packet capture     Let me begin with a little background.  At CellStream, and the Online School of Network Sciences, we have taught hundreds of Wireshark classes for general networking, voice networking,

Complaint: Why Don’t You Allow Employees to use Wireshark? Read More »

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Are Service Providers Watching Over Their Shoulders?

Most Service Providers have been very busy over the past several years laying fiber to the home/premise/curb.  This activity has resulted in large jumps in the Internet speeds that many served customers are enjoying.  Of course, the less rural you are the better, but still, even the rural providers are stretching their budgets and sewing

Are Service Providers Watching Over Their Shoulders? Read More »

Flipping the Certification Model

  Many folks have heard about “Flipping the Classroom”.  The Internet and the online learning tools are opening new doors to traditional training and teaching models.  We have leveraged these same tools and have redefined the traditional certification training model – we call it “Flipping the Certification Model”.  Let’s start with what the traditional model

Flipping the Certification Model Read More »

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What will be the Software Defined Networking (SDN) Skills Needed?

In 2012 and 2013, all the buzz in networking was about the emergence of Software Defined Networking (SDN).  Frankly, that buzz continues in 2014 and vendors continue to refine and define their role in this market segment.  Like a game of chess, the players are all stating their objectives, their product plans, and their new

What will be the Software Defined Networking (SDN) Skills Needed? Read More »

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