Hello my Networking and IPv6 researchers and enthusiasts. I just started a PCAP repository at Github for IPv6 Extension Header (EH) packet capture examples. Honestly I found nothing worthwhile on the web, that’s not to say they don’t exists in some niche place, but I wanted something easy to access and easy to add content to: https://github.com/amwalding/IPv6_Extension_Header_PCAPs
Just a few words about this, if you want to contribute please reach out to me.
IPv6 Extension Headers are questionable at best, and have been the source for much pain and security violations in IPv6 networking. They are banned in most providers/countries. The APNIC and Geaff Huston run daily IPv6 Extension Header testing and you can see this right here: https://stats.labs.apnic.net/v6frag
That said, we all need a reference for what these extension headers look like. Enjoy!